20 Before-And-After Movie Effect Shots That Will Blow You Away

BLAM! News Daily

20 Before-And-After Movie Effect Shots That Will Blow You Away

Ender’s Game

It is easy to imagine the intricate world of Ender Wiggin when reading the novel Ender’s Game, but putting it on film requires more than just a little imagination. Zero-gravity simulators, for instance, need some CGI assistance to be breathed to life.


It is truly incredible how realistic the images of space and Earth are in the Oscar-winning epic Gravity. As cool as it would have to film it in actual space, almost every visual element of the film, other than the actors, was CGI.

Captain America: The First Avenger

The special effects team for Captain America have proved that they are just as amazing as their movie’s title hero. After a lot of green screens and a lot of hard work, the hero really became quite super.

The Monuments Men

You don’t need to be a big budget sci-fi film or and action extravaganza to require a little bit of computer magic in your movie. The historical drama starring George Clooney and Matt Damon need just a little bit of help to make many of the settings to look more realistic.