Ladymances – 10 Unique On-Screen Friendships in TV History

BLAM! News Daily

The bromance has existed in society both on-screen and off, but when do ladies get a chance to celebrate their empowering female friendships? We gathered a list of TV show characters that are an ode to the ladymance – a unique and beautiful bond between women. These gals strengthen and support each other in an inspiring way that we should all try to employ in our own friendships.

1. Grey’s Anatomy, Meredith & Cristina
Aw…;forget the title of BFF – being someone’s ‘person’ means everything. And Meredith truly is the Yin to Christina Yang (sorry, couldn’t resist). They’re kickass role models for little girls since they’re independent female doctors. They might be competitive with each other, but they don’t tear each other down – they just push each other to be better, which is an inspiring ladymance in itself.

2. Parks and Recreation, Leslie Knope & Ann Perkins
This hilarious duo might have a relatable dynamic for some – Leslie is pretty annoying and Ann Perkins, her BFF is one of the only that can maneuver the strong personality of Ms. Knope, and Leslie really loves her for it. She might be borderline obsessed with Ann, but the love between the two is undeniable. They were each other’s dates for Galentine’s Day, and infamously said, “hoes before bros. Uteruses before dude-eruses. Ovaries before brovaries.”
