10 Of The Most Controversial Moments In ‘Game of Thrones’

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10 Of The Most Controversial Moments In ‘Game of Thrones’

Game of Thrones continues to be one of the world’s most popular TV shows. Despite it being a show that is largely fueled by sex, disaster, and toying with the audience’s hearts, the emotional rollercoaster is enough to keep people coming back. In order to do this, the show’s writers get very risky and create moments that not everyone agrees with or they become a little too uncomfortable. Here are 10 controversial and shocking moments in the series so far, and here’s a warning that spoilers are ahead.

Littlefinger With Prostitutes

Game of Thrones is well known for its gratuitous sex scenes, but the first really unnecessary one came in You Win or You Die, Season 1 Episode 7. Littlefinger essentially taught two women how to go down on each other, described their naked bodies, and talked about his evil plans not related to what was happening.

Loras Shaves Renly

The show decided to depict two gay characters by having them shirtless and shaving each other in The Wolf and the Lion, Season 1 Episode 5. The book made their affair a little more subtle, meaning the show just wanted to have a couple hot guys shirtless.