20 Animal Memes That Show How We Feel On Mondays

BLAM! News Daily

20 Animal Memes That Show How We Feel On Mondays

Mondays are hard on everyone, especially those of us who don’t have access to the best and funniest pictures of pets. From dealing with annoying coworkers, to being forced to do unappealing tasks, we all have our problems come Monday morning. These cats, dogs, hamsters, pigs and other animals (there’s even a donkey!) will bring a smile to your face and hopefully ease the pain of another long work week. Here’s to senseless humor and laughing out loud in the office!

When Your Alarm Goes Off

We can all relate – we’re completely at peace, sleeping serenely, when awoken by our ugly, blasting alarms. It’s almost as if over the weekend, we forget how to wake up early. Absolutely infuriating.

When You Remember Your Dance Moves From Last Night

There’s nothing better than waking up hungover at 7:00am on a Monday morning to the memory of a wild Sunday night spent dancing.

When You Have To Take A Shower

Getting out of bed was hard enough, but getting into the shower? That’s outrageous. Your warm and cozy body will hate you for it. In fact, it already does.

When You Try To Squeeze Into Old Clothing

We aren’t sure why, but Monday mornings always seem to be the times that we pull out that mini-skirt from 2 years ago, only to realize that we don’t exactly look the same as we did 2 years ago.